Tuesday 09 February 2010

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‘Global Challenges Require Global Solutions’

The Security Jam Session 2010


The information age holds out the promise of a new era of international cooperation, and the SDA’s internet-based online brainstorming Jam Session offers participants real input into strategic thinking on security. The Security Jam will focus on the World’s main security threats and concerns, confronting such questions as:

  • What do we mean by security in the 21st century?
  •  Do we have all the tools to provide for our security?
  •  What security role will the BRICs play?
  •  What security role should civil society play?
  •  Will climate change alter national interests and spark conflicts?

The internet is radically reducing the constraints of space and time, and offers a chance to find solutions to the common issues facing the international community. International actors often find it hard to pool resources and develop shared solutions, even when working in the same field — be it peacekeeping, climate change, human rights, development or humanitarian aid. The goal of the Security Jam is therefore to bring them together to brainstorm concrete solutions. Their main recommendations will be presented to the EU and NATO leaderships.

The Security Jam is not restricted to defence experts; it is an invitation to all professionals with a stake in human security to make their voices heard and to build closer relations with counter-parts in government, academia, NGOs, civil society, politics, military and the media.

The Security Jam is being timed to coincide with a number of important actions and events. It spans the weekend of the annual Wehrkunde Munich Security Conference, and follows closely on the 2010 Davos meeting with its global redesign initiative. Ideas identified during the Jam will also feed into NATO’s strategic concept review, the European Development Fund’s mid-term review and the Pentagon’s Quadrennial Defense Review.

No matter where you are in the world the Security Jam is open to you. Whether you are in your office, at home, deployed in the field or travelling; this five day event is accessible anywhere through the internet. The Jam could, for instance, enable the commander of an EU naval vessel operating off the Horn of Africa to brainstorm with NGOs on the ground in Somalia, while also talking to UN development experts or government officials in Brussels, Washington or Djibouti.

Wherever you are, it only takes five minutes to log on and exchange your thoughts.

Giles Merritt
Security & Defence Agenda

 Register your voice in the 2010 Security Jam


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