Thursday 21 January 2010

How to register for the Security Jam

  • The Security Jam requires you to register using your professional email address in order to verify your organisational accreditation (e.g. EU, NATO, NGO, Think Tank, Government, Military, Industry, Academic Institution). 
  • If you receive an error message such as ‘Provided User ID is not eligible for registration’ please send an email to to complete your registration.
  • For Security reasons it is not possible to register directly using a private email address (i.e., or
  • However, if you would like to participate using your private email address please send us an email from your professional email account to  

The SDA reserves the right to deny access to the Security Jam to registrants who do no follow these criteria.



SDA/IBM will only use the information you provide in the context of the Jam, including its post-analysis and statistical findings. All provided contributions will remain anonymous in public reports, unless upon written approval in advance by authors.

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